
After successful body building and acting careers, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to attack the world of politics. He has found success repealing an unpopular increase in the vehicle registration fee as well as preventing driver's licenses being given out to illegal aliens. Now Schwarzenegger looks to shake up the current Healthcare Care Plan.

According to Rueters, "Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to propose extending health care to the 10 percent of California's children who are uninsured, even if they are here illegally, and force firms to bolster adult coverage, officials said on Thursday."

Some of the major points of the plan have been leaked, which will give us an idea of what to expect. The LA Times blog talks about some of the major points.

oJordan Rau at the Times: Several independent sources said Schwarzenegger intends "to guarantee medical coverage for children of families earning up to 300% of the poverty level, or $60,000 a year for a family of four. Those families have 90% of the children without insurance. But the cutoff is not yet set in stone." And it would include "illegal" children. In addition, the governor wants to include new requirements for businesses to cover employees, sources said.

oClea Benson over at the Bee also says the governor wants to allow families making less than 300% of the poverty level to enroll in Healthy Families, the government-subsidized insurance program. And Schwarzenegger is "expected to propose covering more uninsured adults by requiring individuals to have insurance and employers to help pay for that -- a model his administration refers to as 'shared responsibility.' "

oLynda Gledhill at the Chronicle says "insiders believe the governor will endorse a requirement that employers provide health insurance despite the strong opposition it is likely to receive. ... Administration sources have said that the governor's plan will be comprehensive and aimed at universal coverage but will not be a 'take it or leave it' program."

Many in California have been anticipating the arrival of the governators new healthcare plan. Hopefully Arnolds new proposals will give the system a much needed shot of life.

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